Age of wonders 3 view difficulty
Age of wonders 3 view difficulty

age of wonders 3 view difficulty age of wonders 3 view difficulty age of wonders 3 view difficulty

But Isgreen and Duffy both revealed that Age of Empires 4 has been toying around the idea of a Merciless AI. When you up the difficulty to get a real challenge, the dev answer has simply been to let the AI cheat - or give them absurd buffs to resources and other tricks to paper over the cracks of the AI not being smart enough.Īge of Empires 4, gracefully, won’t resort to either of those old-school methods. In a new interview with World’s Edge franchise creative director Adam Isgreen and Relic game director Quinn Duffy, I asked the pair about an age-old annoyance: AI.

Age of wonders 3 view difficulty